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年度预算-已执行情况v2.0 历史数据处理

lgl 5 mesi fa
1 ha cambiato i file con 15 aggiunte e 15 eliminazioni
  1. 15 15

+ 15 - 15

@@ -561,21 +561,21 @@
561 561
562 562
     <update id="updateSXGSKJXMFYMC">
563 563
         UPDATE prj_AnnualBudgetDetail set bm = '7' where nys in (SELECT id from prj_AnnualBudget where rws = #{rwsId} ) and bm = '6' and FYMC = '2.设备使用费' ;
-        UPDATE prj_AnnualBudgetDetail set bm = '8' where nys in (SELECT id from prj_AnnualBudget where rws = #{rwsId} ) and bm = '7' and FYMC = '(1)仪器设备使用费' ;
-        UPDATE prj_AnnualBudgetDetail set bm = '9' where nys in (SELECT id from prj_AnnualBudget where rws = #{rwsId} ) and bm = '8' and FYMC = '(2)软件使用费' ;
+        UPDATE prj_AnnualBudgetDetail set bm = '8' where nys in (SELECT id from prj_AnnualBudget where rws = #{rwsId} ) and bm = '7' and FYMC = '(1)仪器设备使用费' ;
+        UPDATE prj_AnnualBudgetDetail set bm = '9' where nys in (SELECT id from prj_AnnualBudget where rws = #{rwsId} ) and bm = '8' and FYMC = '(2)软件使用费' ;
566 566
         UPDATE prj_AnnualBudgetDetail set bm = '10' where nys in (SELECT id from prj_AnnualBudget where rws = #{rwsId} ) and bm = '9' and FYMC = '3.业务费' ;
-        UPDATE prj_AnnualBudgetDetail set bm = '11' where nys in (SELECT id from prj_AnnualBudget where rws = #{rwsId} ) and bm = '10' and FYMC = '(1)材料费' ;
-        UPDATE prj_AnnualBudgetDetail set bm = '12' where nys in (SELECT id from prj_AnnualBudget where rws = #{rwsId} ) and bm = '11' and FYMC = '(2)资料、印刷及知识产权费' ;
-        UPDATE prj_AnnualBudgetDetail set bm = '13' where nys in (SELECT id from prj_AnnualBudget where rws = #{rwsId} ) and bm = '12' and FYMC = '(3)会议、差旅及国际合作交流费' ;
+        UPDATE prj_AnnualBudgetDetail set bm = '11' where nys in (SELECT id from prj_AnnualBudget where rws = #{rwsId} ) and bm = '10' and FYMC = '(1)材料费' ;
+        UPDATE prj_AnnualBudgetDetail set bm = '12' where nys in (SELECT id from prj_AnnualBudget where rws = #{rwsId} ) and bm = '11' and FYMC = '(2)资料、印刷及知识产权费' ;
+        UPDATE prj_AnnualBudgetDetail set bm = '13' where nys in (SELECT id from prj_AnnualBudget where rws = #{rwsId} ) and bm = '12' and FYMC = '(3)会议、差旅及国际合作交流费' ;
570 570
         UPDATE prj_AnnualBudgetDetail set bm = '14' where nys in (SELECT id from prj_AnnualBudget where rws = #{rwsId} ) and bm = '17' and FYMC = '4.场地使用费' ;
-        UPDATE prj_AnnualBudgetDetail set bm = '15' where nys in (SELECT id from prj_AnnualBudget where rws = #{rwsId} ) and bm = '18' and FYMC = '(1)场地物业费' ;
-        UPDATE prj_AnnualBudgetDetail set bm = '16' where nys in (SELECT id from prj_AnnualBudget where rws = #{rwsId} ) and bm = '19' and FYMC = '(2)场地使用租金' ;
+        UPDATE prj_AnnualBudgetDetail set bm = '15' where nys in (SELECT id from prj_AnnualBudget where rws = #{rwsId} ) and bm = '18' and FYMC = '(1)场地物业费' ;
+        UPDATE prj_AnnualBudgetDetail set bm = '16' where nys in (SELECT id from prj_AnnualBudget where rws = #{rwsId} ) and bm = '19' and FYMC = '(2)场地使用租金' ;
573 573
         UPDATE prj_AnnualBudgetDetail set bm = '17' where nys in (SELECT id from prj_AnnualBudget where rws = #{rwsId} ) and bm = '20' and FYMC = '5.专家咨询费' ;
574 574
         UPDATE prj_AnnualBudgetDetail set bm = '18' where nys in (SELECT id from prj_AnnualBudget where rws = #{rwsId} ) and bm = '21' and FYMC = '(二)间接费' ;
575 575
         UPDATE prj_AnnualBudgetDetail set bm = '19' where nys in (SELECT id from prj_AnnualBudget where rws = #{rwsId} ) and bm = '22' and FYMC = '(三)外委支出费' ;
-        UPDATE prj_AnnualBudgetDetail set bm = '20' where nys in (SELECT id from prj_AnnualBudget where rws = #{rwsId} ) and bm = '23' and FYMC = '1.外委研究支出费' ;
-        UPDATE prj_AnnualBudgetDetail set bm = '21' where nys in (SELECT id from prj_AnnualBudget where rws = #{rwsId} ) and bm = '24' and FYMC = '2.仪器设备租赁费' ;
-        UPDATE prj_AnnualBudgetDetail set bm = '22' where nys in (SELECT id from prj_AnnualBudget where rws = #{rwsId} ) and bm = '25' and FYMC = '3.外协测试试验与加工费' ;
+        UPDATE prj_AnnualBudgetDetail set bm = '20' where nys in (SELECT id from prj_AnnualBudget where rws = #{rwsId} ) and bm = '23' and FYMC = '(1)外委研究支出费' ;
+        UPDATE prj_AnnualBudgetDetail set bm = '21' where nys in (SELECT id from prj_AnnualBudget where rws = #{rwsId} ) and bm = '24' and FYMC = '(2)仪器设备租赁费' ;
+        UPDATE prj_AnnualBudgetDetail set bm = '22' where nys in (SELECT id from prj_AnnualBudget where rws = #{rwsId} ) and bm = '25' and FYMC = '(3)外协测试试验与加工费' ;
579 579
         UPDATE prj_AnnualBudgetDetail set bm = '23' where nys in (SELECT id from prj_AnnualBudget where rws = #{rwsId} ) and bm = '26' and FYMC = '(四)税金' ;
580 580
         update A
581 581
         set  A.fymc = B.mc, A.fj = B.fj
@@ -598,17 +598,17 @@
598 598
         update prj_AnnualBudgetDetail  set FYMC  = '(2)软件使用费' where nys in (SELECT id from prj_AnnualBudget where rws = #{rwsId} ) and bm = 'a100335414';
599 599
         update prj_AnnualBudgetDetail  set FYMC  = '3.业务费' where nys in (SELECT id from prj_AnnualBudget where rws = #{rwsId} ) and bm = 'a100142605';
600 600
         update prj_AnnualBudgetDetail  set FYMC  = '(1)材料费' where nys in (SELECT id from prj_AnnualBudget where rws = #{rwsId} ) and bm = 'a100402638';
-        update prj_AnnualBudgetDetail  set FYMC  = '(2)资料印刷及知识产权费' where nys in (SELECT id from prj_AnnualBudget where rws = #{rwsId} ) and bm = 'a100404901';
-        update prj_AnnualBudgetDetail  set FYMC  = '(3)会议差旅及国际合作交流费' where nys in (SELECT id from prj_AnnualBudget where rws = #{rwsId} ) and bm = 'a100406974';
+        update prj_AnnualBudgetDetail  set FYMC  = '(2)资料印刷及知识产权费' where nys in (SELECT id from prj_AnnualBudget where rws = #{rwsId} ) and bm = 'a100404901';
+        update prj_AnnualBudgetDetail  set FYMC  = '(3)会议差旅及国际合作交流费' where nys in (SELECT id from prj_AnnualBudget where rws = #{rwsId} ) and bm = 'a100406974';
603 603
         update prj_AnnualBudgetDetail  set FYMC  = '4.场地使用费' where nys in (SELECT id from prj_AnnualBudget where rws = #{rwsId} ) and bm = 'a100145230';
604 604
         update prj_AnnualBudgetDetail  set FYMC  = '(1)场地物业费' where nys in (SELECT id from prj_AnnualBudget where rws = #{rwsId} ) and bm = 'a100529887';
605 605
         update prj_AnnualBudgetDetail  set FYMC  = '(2)场地使用租金' where nys in (SELECT id from prj_AnnualBudget where rws = #{rwsId} ) and bm = 'a10053223';
606 606
         update prj_AnnualBudgetDetail  set FYMC  = '5.专家咨询费' where nys in (SELECT id from prj_AnnualBudget where rws = #{rwsId} ) and bm = 'a100237514';
607 607
         update prj_AnnualBudgetDetail  set FYMC  = '(二)间接费' where nys in (SELECT id from prj_AnnualBudget where rws = #{rwsId} ) and bm = 'a10055632';
608 608
         update prj_AnnualBudgetDetail  set FYMC  = '(三)外委支出费' where nys in (SELECT id from prj_AnnualBudget where rws = #{rwsId} ) and bm = 'a100604109';
-        update prj_AnnualBudgetDetail  set FYMC  = '1.外委研究支出费' where nys in (SELECT id from prj_AnnualBudget where rws = #{rwsId} ) and bm = 'a10063271';
-        update prj_AnnualBudgetDetail  set FYMC  = '2.仪器设备租赁费' where nys in (SELECT id from prj_AnnualBudget where rws = #{rwsId} ) and bm = 'a1006345';
-        update prj_AnnualBudgetDetail  set FYMC  = '3.外协测试试验与加工费' where nys in (SELECT id from prj_AnnualBudget where rws = #{rwsId} ) and bm = 'a100635599';
+        update prj_AnnualBudgetDetail  set FYMC  = '(1)外委研究支出费' where nys in (SELECT id from prj_AnnualBudget where rws = #{rwsId} ) and bm = 'a10063271';
+        update prj_AnnualBudgetDetail  set FYMC  = '(2)仪器设备租赁费' where nys in (SELECT id from prj_AnnualBudget where rws = #{rwsId} ) and bm = 'a1006345';
+        update prj_AnnualBudgetDetail  set FYMC  = '(3)外协测试试验与加工费' where nys in (SELECT id from prj_AnnualBudget where rws = #{rwsId} ) and bm = 'a100635599';
612 612
         update prj_AnnualBudgetDetail  set FYMC  = '(四)税金' where nys in (SELECT id from prj_AnnualBudget where rws = #{rwsId} ) and bm = 'a100606333';
613 613
         update A
614 614
         set  A.bm = B.bm, A.fj = B.fj